Abortion law and reality in Chile
Chile has one of the highest rates of abortion in Latin America – between 120.000 and 160.000 women have abortions every year, meaning that about 1 in 3 pregnancies end in abortion (The Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994: ¨Clandestina Abortion: a Latin American Reality.¨ Nueva York, Estados Unidos). Abortion is penalized in all possible circumstances, causing women having abortions to risk their health, lives, and freedom, because they can be denounced, mistreated, and imprisoned.
Media launch safe abortion hotline Chile 2009
Links Press http://www.elmostrador.cl/pais/2014/08/12/alo-aborto-la-linea
Blog of the Chilean hotline
To help spread the information that will allow Chilean women to have a safe…