
Updated: 2022-12-14 Legal | Abortion Pills | Local Organizations | Community Comments | Scam List

Organizations and Resources

  • Women on Web
    Abortion pill access by mail
  • Hilfetelefon
    it is a state funded hotline/chat to give information in case of domestic or sexual violence, service is available in many languages
    phone: 08000116016
  • Familienplanungszentrum Balance
    sexual and reproductive health, safe abortion: it is a family planning centre in Berlin, which also does abortions and they are part of the project for telemedical abortions in Germany
    phone: +49 30 / 236 236 80

Community Comments

  1. "Mifepriston is registered in Germany, but it is not available in pharmacies nor with prescription, only doctors can hand it out and they need to inform the distributor of the pills of each pill they gave out and to whom they gave it out. Misoprostol is registered in Germany, but only in combination with Diclofenac. It is called Arthotec forte and contains 75mg of Diclofenac and 200µg of Misoprostol. People need a prescription for the medication.
    Cytotec (Misoprostol alone) is no longer imported into Germany and it was also not available in pharmacies. Remember you can alway say you need Arthotec forte for pain in your joints. If you have a prescription it still can be a little difficult to get Misoprostol, because it mostly has to be imported from other countries within the EU. If one pharmacy does not sell it to you, do not feel discouraged and try a different pharmacy." - Anonymous - October 2022


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Women on Waves publishes information of fined German abortion provider on its website

On November 24 th,  the German doctor Kristina Haenel was fined 6000 euro for…