Declaration "Abortion: More Information, Less Risk"

The following is the declaration sent out by Lesbians and Feminists for the Depenalization of Abortion, to support the launch of the hotline.
Below the declaration is a list of individuals and organizations, national and international, that signed the declaration and support the initiative.


Who can monopolize knowledge?

Women have been knowledge producers since the origin of humanity. The tradition embodied by today’s scientific women goes back to the first agricultural women, to the witches and the shamans, and culminates in the high percentage of students and professionals in medicine and the so-called “life sciences”. Now as before, women generate knowledge. Nevertheless, since the consolidation of modern science, access to knowledge has remained in few hands. Since science became fully ingrained inside the productive apparatus of the capitalist system, and took the place of religion as the ideological pillar of the patriarchal order, scientific knowledge has remained in the hands of the men of dominant groups. Its diffusion and utilization is subject to the interests of these groups, rather than the real needs and legitimate desires of the population. Knowledge has been turned into merchandise, regulated by patents and fees. Knowledge is used as an instrument of domination and control.

We consider scientific and technological knowledge to be the common property of all humanity, and it should be accessible to everyone, in free circulation and collective and permanent construction. Every obstacle impeding its availability should be removed. In this vein, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in 1948, already recognized the access to scientific knowledge as a human right: "Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits." (Art. 27.1). This statement was reiterated in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Art. 15b), of 1966, and in the Universal Declaration of Bioethics and Human Rights, of 2005. So many repetitions of this right illustrate its capital importance in contemporary life, and at the same time show the systematic lack of this right being put into effective practice. Such an oversight cannot be innocent.

In this context, keeping knowledge about safe abortion methods out of the hands of women is discriminatory and condemns them to die from lack of information. he Human Rights Council of the United Nations recently published a statement in which they recognize that “most instances of maternal mortality and morbidity are preventable, and that preventable maternal mortality and morbidity is a health, development and human rights challenge that also requires the effective promotion and protection of the human rights of women and girls," and recognize the human rights involved in reducing maternal mortality: "rights to life, to be equal in dignity, to education, to be free to seek, receive and impart information, to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress, to freedom from discrimination, and to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including sexual and reproductive health". (A/HRC/11/L.16/Rev.116 June 2009)

Women have capability and right to decide about our bodies and our health using complete and up-to-date information, according to our beliefs, values and personal ideals. Nobody can impose his or her morale or religion upon us.

The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, declares: "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice," (Art. 19).

Women have the right to know the risks, benefits, and options involved in every decision we make. Hiding, ristricting, obstricting or denying access to public information is a crime with serious ethical connotations in a societies striving to be democratic. When this obstruction, furthermore, becomes a death sentence, or provokes irreparable damages in hundreds of women every year, this is in fact a crime known as femicide.

A State, understood as an assembly of academic, social, legal, and medical institutions, that blocks the possibility of women to exercise fully their rights is in fact the principal violator women’s right to live a world free of violence.

Therefore we demand that the state recognise our right to knowledge on how to have a safer abortion, without distinction of class, race, sex, sexual orientation, ethnic group, age, physical or mental capacities or nationality.

We demand that our autonomy and dignity as the people be respected.

And without fail, the legalization and decriminalization of abortion.

We ask that you sign this declaration by sending your (group or individual) name to the following email:




ADEM- Mujereando
Agrupación Aquí Mujeres (La Matanza)
Agrupación de Mujeres Pan y Rosas - (PTS e Independientes)
Asamblea de Mujeres de la FOB (Federación de organizaciones de Base)
Asamblea por la Aparicion con Vida de Luciano Arruga, Buenos Aires
Asociacion de Especialistas Univeritarias en estudios de la Mujer, Buenos Aires
Autoconvocatoria Mujeres Bahía Blanca
Carne clasista - Agrupación de minorías sexuales Contra la Opresión Sexual y Social, Buenos Aires
Casa de la Mujer – Rosario
Catedra Libre de Salud y Derechos Humanos
Cátedra Libre: Terapia de Crisis
Centro Cristiano de la Comunidad GLTTB
Centro de estudiantes Normal Nro 1
Colectiva Feminista La Revuelta, Neuquén
Colectiva Debocaenboca - acciones feministas
Colectiva Feminista Lesbiana Ultravioletas
Colectiva Las Histeriqas, las Mufas y las Otras Feministas Anticapitalistas, Córdoba
Colectiva Las Juanas y las Otras, Mendoza
Contrapunto - Prensa Alternativa - Tucumán
Corriente Julio A. Mella - Secretaría de Cultura, FUBA, Buenos Aires
Corriente Universitaria Julio Antonio Mella
La Mella en Exactas: Presidencia del Centro de Estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UBA)
El Bachín - grupo de teatro independiente
El Transformador, Haedo
Escuela de Psicología Social de Alfredo Moffatt
Feministas en Acción
Feministas Inconvenientes (Red de Colectivas y otras/xs)
FJC La Matanza
Foro Pampeano por el Derecho al Aborto Seguro, Legal, y Gratuito
Foro por los Derechos Reproductivos
Fundacion Madre Luna - Chubut
Grupo feminista "Azucena Villaflor" La Plata en La Campaña Nacional por el derecho al aborto legal, seguro y gratuito
Indeso-mujer Rosario
Jácara Colectiva Feminista, Olavarría, Buenos Aires
Juventud Radical - UCR Capital
La Casa del Encuentro Asociación Civil
La Juve - Corriente de Izquierda
La Pulpería - Organización territorial
Las Lilith – Tucumán
Lesmadres - la madre y la madre que l@ parió
Libres del Sur, Buenos Aires
Médicos del Mundo – Argentina
Movimiento de Mujeres de Córdoba
Movimiento Teresa Rodriguez La Dignidad (MTR)
Movimiento Territorial Liberación en CTA
Mujeres Autoconvocadas de Bahía Blanca
Mujeres Trabajando
Mujeres Trabajando Asociación Civil
Municipio de Morón
Organización de Estudiantes Secundarios, Buenos Aires
Partido Comunista - Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires
Partido Comunista de Argentina
Patricios el Sur Avanza, Buenos Aires
Plenario de trabajadoras, Buenos Aires
Programa de Radio Ladrones de Bicicletas Radio UBA FM 90.5, Buenos Aires
Programa para America Latina y el Caribe de la Comision Internacional de los Derechos Humanos para Gays y Lesbianas – IGLHRC
Radio Grafica 89.3, Buenos Aires
Secretaría de Género de CTA regional La Matanza
Sumando Historia - Coordinadora Juvenil de La Matanza
Red por los Derechos de las personas con Discapacidad (REDI)
Trece Ranchos, Gran Buenos Aires
Varones por la Equidad
XUMEK, organización de derechos humanos. Mendoza. en la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al aborto legal seguro y gratuito


Articulo 19
Coordinadora Juvenil por la Equidad de Genero, Ecuador
Red Salud Mujeres Chile
Women on Waves


Diana Maffía
Dip. Nac. Fernanda Gil Lozano
Diputada Nacional Silvia Ausburguer - Partido Socialista


Agostina Braggio
Agustina Cassinelli
Alberto Ilieff, Catw-Argentina, Red NO a la Trata
Aluminé Moreno
Analina Guergoff, Asistente social
Antonella Cola Alet
Ariela Gallardo
Bruno Viera
Catalina Fecchino
Ceciliz Lipztick
Celia Simioli, Mendoza
Claudia Anzorena
Clori Yelicic, Secretaría Nacional de la Mujer - Partido Socialista
Daniel Mulieri (actor/director)
Delia Zanlungo Ponde
Diana Azcarate
Dora Colodesky Fanjul, Comisión por el derecho al aborto
Dra. Cristina Díaz, Taller de la Mujer. Reconquista/Avellaneda. Santa Fe
Dra. Mariana Romero
Dra. Martha de la Fuente
Dra. Silvina Ramos
Elisa Aliatta
Elsa Abaca, Las Juanas y las Otras Mendoza
Elsa Schvartzman, Socióloga- docente UBA- Feminista militante por los DD SS y RR, que incluyen el derecho al aborto legal seguro y gratuito
Fatima Montivero
Fernando Franevet
Florencia Chahbenderian
Florencia Gemetro
Florencia Rodriguez
Gabriela Bacin
Gabriela Dìaz Villa
Gabriela Rodríguez
Guadalupe Atienza
Hugo Figueredo
Ignacio Soloeta
Irina Perl
Iván Deltin
Karen Cambursano
Karina Fummato
Lariza Lopez Zmud
Lautaro Tomas Iglesias
Lic. Gonzalo Basile, Presidente, Médicos del Mundo Argentina - Coord. Nacional Foro Social de Salud en Argentina
Lic. Jorge Horacio Raíces Montero, Psicólogo Clínico MN 11692
Liliana Paoluzzi
Lorena Volpin
Lucia Gerszonswit
Lucía Musumcci
Luciana de Marco
Mabel Alicia Campagnoli
Magdalena Ramírez
Magdalena Vallarino
Malbina Silba
Marcela D Angelo. "Seminario de DDHH con perspectiva de genero" Fac de Filosofia y Letras - UBA, adherente de la Campaña "Ni una mujer más víctima de las redes de prostitución"
María Belén Ghiso
María Ibazeta
Maria Lorena Rodriguez (Lic. en Alimentos)
Mariana Candia
Mariela Acevedo
Mariela Solesio
Marta Vassallo, Periodista
Mateo Katavic
Melisa Hara
Mercedes di Napoli
Mónica Fuentes (licenciada en trabajo social)
Myriam Wigutov
Nelly Pacheco
Noelia Boiso
Nora Martínez, departamento de género CTA Parana
Olga Cristiano
Paula Pardo del Real
Paula Yasan
Pedro Tiscar
Prof. Inés Victoria Aronoff
Rodrigo Castro Romero
Sandra Chagas
Sara Barrón López
Sara Torres, Directora Argentina de la Coalición Internacional contra el Tráfico de F7 Niñas y Niños - (CATW-LAC) Cordinadora Mercosur - Red Internacional de Derechos Humanos
Sofía da Costa, Mendoza
Sonia Lombardo
Sonia Sanchez
Susana Checa, Presidenta de la CD de FOCO Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos
Verónica Engler
Yuderkis Espinosa Miñoso, Grupo Latinoamericano de Estudio, Formación y Acción Feministas (GLEFAS)


Anne-Marie Rey, Abortion-information (formerly USPDA) - Zollikofen – Suiza
Anyely Marín Cisneros
Betiana Cáceres, Fuerza Joven de Perú - JLU Argentina
Dianne Proctor, OAM, retired. Former Executive Director of Family Planning Australia and founding Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Reproductive Health Alliance.
Garson Romalis, MD, FRCSC, Clinical Associate Professor - University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada
Marcia Otegui
Marge Berer, Editor, Reproductive Health Matters
María Giselle Viteri Cevallos, Ecuador
Maribel Carmona, Red Salud Mujeres - Guayaquil, Ecuador
Megan Greenberg, Program Assistant RHEDI/Center for Reproductive Health in Family Medicine.