
Updated: 2022-12-13 Legal | Abortion Pills | Local Organizations | Community Comments | Scam List

Organizations and Resources

Community Comments

  1. "For Misoprostol, a prescription is needed in order to buy it. However, some pharmacies are willing to sell it over the counter, so it is worth going around and trying different pharmacies. This might work better, if it is a male or an elderly person who tries to buy it. Accessibility can vary from city to city." - Anonymous, November 2022


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Press Conference in Rabat, 8-10-2012

We are giving this press conference to explain our campaign, share with you…

Video interview captains Myra and Margreet about what happened in smir, morocco

Give the footage a lower thirds credit to Diana Whitten,

Abortion ship forced to leave by Moroccan authories.

After the harbor of Smir was completely closed off by the Moroccan police

Member of Dutch Parliament Liesbeth van Tongeren comes to Morocco in support of the campaign

Liesbeth van Tongeren from the Green Left Party arrived in the early afternoon…

Video footage: distributing Safe Abortion Information in front of entrance Smir Harbor, Morocco

Video Footage from October 4th, 2012
After we learned that the Moroccan…

Moroccan Authorities Close Down Harbor of Smir.

Moroccan warships block entrance of Women on Waves ship in the harbor of Smir.

Abortion ship will arrive in Smir, Morocco, Today!

For immediate release October 3 rd, 2012:

“Abortion ship will arrive in Smir

Abortion Ship Will Visit Morocco Next Week.

For immediate release: "Abortion Ship Will Visit Morocco Next Week"

Relevant laws in Morocco

Article 25 of the Constitution guarantees the Right to freedom of expression.

Invitation to visit the Women on Waves ship

Dear women's rights defender,

MALI and Women on Waves would like to invite you…

Academic paper

Julia Ellis Kahana wrote her final thesis for the sociology department of Brown…