Real People Speak

Politicians have been making statements left and right, the European Commission has started grinding, the press has been all over since the beginning, activism organizations have been mobilizing their volunteers, but now, now finally Portuguese people are starting to voice their opinion on abortion and the coming of the Borndiep.

Last night, when the shuttle boat returned from the Borndiep bearing the politically involved Jamila Madeira and Francisco Louçã, something happened. At first, the politicians were interviewed by hoards of press. But in between the cameras and the microphones were people in shorts and flip flops, teenagers, basically, normal people. And they did speak:

Pires, Portuguese spectator: Portugal is not civilized. It is a shame that other countries have to come here to civilize us, we are now a third world country! But they do do abortions here. They do it, but they don't talk about it, they keep their mouths shut. Here in Portugal, abortion is a taboo, you don't talk about abortion. But they do it! The Catholics too. I am Catholic, and I have no problems with abortion. What problems could I have? It is the choice of the women. It is much worse that thousands of children are walking the street here in Portugal, with no mother or father, just unwanted and abandoned.

Hopefully, even if not one Portuguese women can be helped now, Women on Waves can help the Portuguese people form their opinion on the matter, and help them realize that illegal abortions are a problem, and move abortion issues away from traditional taboos and onto the public agenda.

Disturbios en la UE

Dos días después de que el barco regresó a los Países Bajos y el equipo de…

Encuestas de opinión

Tal como estaba previsto el equipo holandés de Women on Waves viene de regreso…

Los médicos de la libertad

Los especialistas, médicos generales, enfermeras y parteras vienen de todas…

Borndiep va de vuelta a casa

Pero la batalla continua

La página web de Misoprostol y los medicamentos Cytotec y Arthrotec se muestran…

Talkshow Teachings: how to induce abortion

On Tuesday morning, Rebecca Gomperts was featured on the Portuguese talkshow…

Live on television

Explaning how to do an abortion on television

Going to court

The fundamental rights to freedom of movement, information, reunion, expression…

Art and Politics

In the morning the ship returns from Spain and again takes its drifting…

More dutchies

The Dutch members of Parliament Lousewies van der Laan from Democrats 66 (D66…

Feed me, Paste me

The Borndiep is out of fuel and running low on drinking water. Once more the…

Small, calm, quiet, hidden

At 1:00AM a Catholic church group gathered before the Figueira da Foz town hall…

Unexpected visitors and action by Dutch Minister

Pressured by the Dutch members of Parliament Bot contacted the Portuguese…

Manifestation in Lisbon

About 250 people protest against the decision of the Portuguese government to…

Politicians denied permission

The Portuguese Parliamentarians, Francisco Louçã from the Portuguese Left Block

What's happening on the internet?

Saturday, 28th of August

Borndiep still in international waters

In an effort to help realize Women on Waves' goals, Juventude Socialista (JS…

F 486 przeciwko RU 486

Zdjęcie F486 Baptista de Andrade , statek wojenny który blokuje drogę Borndiep .


Two Portuguese war ships monitor the movements of the Borndiep during 24 hours…

Entry ship denied

In the afternoon we have an improvised press conference after we hear that the…

Requesting permission to enter the harbor of Figueira da Foz

In the morning Women on Waves visits the harbormaster of Figueira da Foz and…