Campaign and Book for abortion rights in New Zealand!

The prochoice highway, on the road for reproductive justice, will tour New Zealand starting May 1, 2013.
Supported by the Abortion Law Reform Association of New Zealand (ALRANZ), the Women’s National Abortion Action Campaign (WONAAC), Mothers for Choice and numerous generous individuals, the Highway kicks off 1 May 2013 with the launch of Alison McCulloch‘s book “Fighting to Choose: The Abortion Rights Struggle in New Zealand.”

Through the winter 2013, the Highway will be organising some meetings and book-related events throughout Aotearoa-New Zealand, as well as looking for feedback, doing fund-raising and making some more Cool Stuff. The Highway proper starts in September 2013 when we’ll actually be On the Road for Reproductive Justice.

The Highway plans to tour Aotearoa-New Zealand with a books, information and activities stall, setting up in towns and cities near and far — we have a goal of 50 stops, to be extended if time, resources and person-power allow. We also want to raise awareness and listen: to get feedback on how reproductive justice issues impact people living in Aotearoa-New Zealand.

new zealand right to choose