Introducing an international symbol

The essence of the-safety-pin campagne is to pull the themes abortion and unwanted pregnancy out of the closet and onto the public agenda. This progress towards an active international debate has an international symbol: the safety pin. Different media explore the themes and each offer simple options that could support the progress: from wearing a safety pin in one's personal surroundings as a personal signature on a petition to actively producing and distributing flyers. The mix of information as well as the significance of the information and need of support is varied in the media displayed here (website, flyers, fashion movement).

safety pin campaign

promotion in lifestyle magazines

The fashion movement is brought into public view in cooperation with lifestyle…

You can help

You can help to pull the themes abortion and unwanted pregnancy out of the…

Netherlands: new law that allows the abortion pill by GP's, 2022

Finally in December 2022, the Dutch senate approved a new law that will allow…

Abortion Robot in Mexico 2021

rAborta, the Abortion Robot has come to Mexico! On September 28th

Abortion Robot on Stage in Poland, 2018

December 2018,
On the invitation of director Maja Kleczewska and CHOTKOWSKI…

Abortion Pill Protest in Seoul, South Korea 2018

For immediate release:
26-8-2018: Today 125 women swallowed the abortion pill in…

Abortion Robot in Belfast, Northern Ireland 2018

Operated from Amsterdam, the abortion robot successfully delivered abortion…

Barco de Aborto en Guatemala

En colaboración con organizaciones de derechos de las mujeres en Guatemala, el…

Abortion drone Ireland, 2016

June 21 th, 2016. The Abortion Drone flew from the Republic of Ireland to…

First flight Abortion Drone, Poland 2015

The Abortion Drone was a success, women in Poland receive medical abortions.

Safe Abortion Hotline Indonesia 2011

More than 130 people participate in flashmob in Jogjakarta to launch safe…

España, 2008

Women on Waves visitó España del 16 al 21 de octubre de 2008 invitada por 33…

Portugal 2004

El barco de Women on Waves “Borndiep” se quedó en aguas internacionales, a 12…

Abortion ship Poland 2003

On June 16, 2003 Women on Waves set sail for Poland. We were invited by a…

Abortion ship Ireland 2001

On 11 June 2001, Women on Waves set sail from the Netherlands with an almost…

Diesel for Women, 2012

Women on Waves designed a hoax campaign "Diesel for Women" to expose the…

Línea de Aborto Seguro Lanzado en Venezuela, Mayo 2011

El 18 de Mayo, activistas feministas lanzaron una línea de atención telefónica…

Línea de Atención sobre el uso de Misoprostol, en Pakistan, Junio 2010

Lanzaron una nueva línea de atención telefónica que brindará información sobre…

Ecuador 2008

The Coordinadora Juvenil por la Equidad de Género invitó a Women on Waves a…

WoW at Creative Times in New York!

Women on Waves gave a presentation at Creative Times and participated in the…

Media Malta 2007

In October 2007, Rebecca Gomperts was invited by Emmy Bezzina of the Alpha…

Stir in Argentina 2004

On December 8, 2004, Rebecca Gomperts visited Argentina on the invitation of…

Teken de Petitie!

Strafvervolging is stopgezet. Petitie hoeft niet meer ondertekend te worden.

Exhibition: I had an Abortion

I had an abortion. Poddalam sie aborcji. Jien ghamilt abort. Eu fiz um aborto.

Letter to Google concerning Restricting Advertisements that Promote Abortion Services

The Health Equity and Law Clinic of the University of Toronto wrote the…