Warning, fake abortion pills for sale online!!

There are a lot of websites that pretend to be partners of Women on Waves, Women on Web or Aid Access. Please do not believe them. Some of these websites offer medicines that are not Mifepristone, Mifegyne or RU 486,  others just want to  get your money and don's even send anything. Do NOT order from the website poronne.org, the  are fake and the package never arrives. Many women have been writing to womenonwaves@outlook.com. This is email is not from Women on Waves and does not have any link whatsoever with Women on Waves.

The only website we trust to help women gain access to a safe medical abortion is www.aidaccess.org.

Reputable online abortion services:

Please only obtain the abortion pills through the original websites of Aid Access. If these websites are blocked in your country please find here information how to access them anyway.

Women on Waves's contact email is  info@womenonwaves.org 

In some countries, especially  Brazil and elsewhere in South America, websites offer injections of “RU 486” or “mifepristone”. These injections are fake. Mifepristone/RU 486 is not available in injection form for humans. Beware of these sites – they are a fraud, could harm your health, and will not end your pregnancy.

List fake websites

This is the list that received from women's report.

Domande e Risposte

Qui potrai trovare risposte alle più frequenti domande sull'uso di Misoprostolo.

BBC Correspondent

More about the BBC documentary "Abortionship" from the Poland campaign http:…