Media Malta 2007

In October 2007, Rebecca Gomperts was invited by Emmy Bezzina of the Alpha Liberal Democratic Party to come to Malta to give a lecture.

The lecture in Malta resulted in frontpage news and more than 25 newspaper articles and editorials for a month and days of television coverage. Anti abortion groups prayed in front of the Hotel where Rebecca Gomperts was staying.

However for the first time also some serious voices supporting abortion rights could be heard:

Raphael Vassallo wrote in Malta Today on October 14, 2007: All things told, Rebecca Gomperts might not have won over many hearts and minds in this country. But her visit has nonetheless served a very useful purpose……It has thrown into sharp focus our intense unfamiliarity with the European Union, which we evidently thought was just about roads and structural funds….. And it has once again established that at the end of the day, “democracy” is nothing but a nine-letter word beginning with a “D”.

Daphne Caruana Galizia wrote in the Malta independent on Sunday, October 21, 2007 “In reality, thousands of Maltese women have had abortions over the years because they have superb access to abortion clinics, better access than women living in many other parts of Europe. The nearest clinics are a short, cheap flight or catamaran ride away, precisely the sort of distance that women living in large countries must travel to the nearest city if they live in rural areas. Rebecca Gomperts wondered aloud at her public meeting why Maltese women are not campaigning for abortion. …..The truth is that Maltese women have things sorted smoothly, as Maltese women tend to do: if they want an abortion they can easily have one up the road in Catania, but at the same time they are able to salve their consciences by fighting against abortion in Malta. This is an extremely convenient situation: a ban on abortion within our borders, giving us brownie points with God, but none of the problems associated with a ban on abortion, as women can still have all the abortions they want to. If the nearest abortion clinic were a Lm700 flight away from Malta, or a thousand-mile hike across a desert, you can rest assured that the story would be very different. There wouldn’t be quite as much moralising then.”

Netherlands: new law that allows the abortion pill by GP's, 2022

Finally in December 2022, the Dutch senate approved a new law that will allow…

Abortion Robot in Mexico 2021

rAborta, the Abortion Robot has come to Mexico! On September 28th

Abortion Robot on Stage in Poland, 2018

December 2018,
On the invitation of director Maja Kleczewska and CHOTKOWSKI…

Abortion Robot in Belfast, Northern Ireland 2018

Operated from Amsterdam, the abortion robot successfully delivered abortion…

Abortion ship Mexico, April 2017

Women on Waves arrived in Ixtapa on April 19 th on the invitation of more than…

Abortion ship Guatemala, February 2017

In collaboration with women's rights organisations in Guatemala, the abortion…

Abortion drone Ireland, 2016

June 21 th, 2016. The Abortion Drone flew from the Republic of Ireland to…

First flight Abortion Drone, Poland 2015

The Abortion Drone was a success, women in Poland receive medical abortions.

Abortion ship Morocco 2012

MALI (alternative movement for individual liberties) invited Women on Waves to…

Safe Abortion Hotline Indonesia 2011

More than 130 people participate in flashmob in Jogjakarta to launch safe…

Abortion ship Spain 2008

Women on Waves visited Spain from October 16 till 21, 2008 at the invitation of…

Abortion ship Portugal 2004

The Women on Waves ship Borndiep stayed in international waters, 12 miles from…

Abortion ship Poland 2003

On June 16, 2003 Women on Waves set sail for Poland. We were invited by a…

Abortion ship Ireland 2001

On 11 June 2001, Women on Waves set sail from the Netherlands with an almost…

Diesel for Women, 2012

Women on Waves designed a hoax campaign "Diesel for Women" to expose the…

Safe Abortion Hotline Venezuela 2011

On May 18th, a safe abortion hotline was launched at the Nuevo Circo in Caracas

Misoprostol hotline Pakistan, 2010

A new hotline has been launched in Pakistan that gives information about how…

Safe abortion hotline Peru, May 2010


Safe abortion hotline Argentina July 2009

In Argentina abortion is illegal in most cases. There are about 500,000…

Safe abortion hotline Chile, May 2009

Press inquiries: +0056 984668855

Safe abortion hotline Ecuador, June 2008

The Coordinadora Juvenil por la Equidad de Género (Youth Committee for Gender…

WoW at Creative Times in New York!

Women on Waves gave a presentation at Creative Times and participated in the…

Stir in Argentina 2004

On December 8, 2004, Rebecca Gomperts visited Argentina on the invitation of…

Teken de Petitie!

Strafvervolging is stopgezet. Petitie hoeft niet meer ondertekend te worden.

Introducing an international symbol

The essence of the-safety-pin campagne is to pull the themes abortion and…

Exhibition: I had an Abortion

I had an abortion. Poddalam sie aborcji. Jien ghamilt abort. Eu fiz um aborto.

Letter to Google concerning Restricting Advertisements that Promote Abortion Services

The Health Equity and Law Clinic of the University of Toronto wrote the…