Misoprostol hotline Pakistan, 2010

A new hotline has been launched in Pakistan that gives information about how women can use the medication misoprostol to have a safe abortion, or to prevent dangerous hemorrhaging after giving birth. Every year 30.000 women die from pregnancy related causes in Pakistan. The use of misoprostol by women themselves after giving birth or for induction of safe abortion can save the lives of 10.000 women in Pakistan every year. Misoprostol is available in Pakistan under the brand names Arthrotec, Cytotec, Cytopan, and ST Mom®.
Women needing information in Pakistan/ hotline numbers:

03159170408 – (Urdu and pashto)

03159473366 (Urdu)

03159473399 (Siraki)

03448053864 (Balochi and Brahvi)

These mobile phones services for 24/7 days.

The launch was carried out by the coalition of Pakistani Organization who support women’s rights – Aware Girls from Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Peace Foundation from Sindh and Wake Up Call International from Lahore, The hotline is supported by Asia Safe Abortion Partnership, Women on Waves and Women on Web.
This is the only hotline of its kind in Asia, following the launching of successful hotlines in Latin America. This hotline will put life-saving information directly into the hands of the women who need it.

Misoprostol can easily be used by women themselves without supervision of health professionals for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Immediately after giving birth women should put 3 tablets of 200 mcg misoprostol under their tongue (after making sure there is not another baby inside the womb) to reduce the risk of PPH by 60%.
Women can also safely and effectively use misoprostol at home by themselves to induce a miscarriage (3 doses of 4 tablets of 200 mcg under the tongue every 3 hours). This is very safe and 85-90% effective if taken during the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. It is far safer than the unsafe surgical or traditional methods that women will use when desperately trying to end an unwanted pregnancy and has the same health impact as a spontaneous miscarriage. Usually a miscarriage is handled by women themselves without additional medical supervision. Women who do need further medical attention because of an incomplete abortion can easily be treated by any doctor. Follow-up treatment for miscarriage and even post abortion care is legal everywhere.
Making information about the most effective regimens of misoprostol for prevention of Post partum hemorrhage and for inducing miscarriage easily available to women themselves can save women’s lives.

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