Borndiep still in international waters
In an effort to help realize Women on Waves' goals, Juventude Socialista (JS), the youth section of Portugal's Socialist Party (PS), sails to the Borndiep and holds a press conference there.
Pedro Nuno Santos, the leader of JS, states that the decisions made by the government were intolerable and authoritarian, and that to support Women on Waves themselves, they will offer a shuttle boat that can take women to and from the Borndiep. However the shuttling of women aboard another boat is a difficult and tedious process that is not at all ideal for the endeavours of Women on Waves.
The CDS/PP party, to which the minister of Defence, Portas belongs, states no change to their position on abortion, but the PSD party's vice-president Helena Lopes da Costa does admit that the party may be open to a new public referendum on the subject. The last referendum held on abortion, which was also the first referendum ever held in Portugal, only managed to mobilize 31% of Portuguese voters in 1998.
Meanwhile the Portuguese social movements and opposition political parties are demanding the entry of the ship and demand from Paulo Portas to repeal his decision.
Even the military's bishop, who is against abortion, does not agree with Portas. When interviewed by the press he said he was against using military intervention for something as trivial as a bunch of feminists.
dockside supporters chant: mulheres no tribunal, vergonha nacional (women in court, national shame).
What happened in Portugal...
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Rumours of prosecution
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A perca do caso em tribunal.
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Small, calm, quiet, hidden
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Manifestation in Lisbon
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Governo nega permissão
Francisco Louça, do Bloco de Esquerda, tentou navegar o Borndiep rumo ao porto…
Requesting permission to enter the harbor of Figueira da Foz
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