Do not buy any pills from the website "Abortion-pill-online.com" or "mifepristone-misoprostol.com". The medicines are not Mifepristone, Mifegyne or RU 486 as they claim. Women on Waves ordered and…


Do not buy any pills from the website "Abortion-pill-online.com" or "mifepristone-misoprostol.com". The medicines are not Mifepristone, Mifegyne or RU 486 as they claim. Women on Waves ordered and analysed them and the medicines that were sent to us did not contain the active ingredient Mifepristone!!!
Do not order from the website "drugdelivery.ca" or "cytoteconline.com" either, the package never arrives!!!

If you live in a country where safe abortion services are available, you can click on your country and find links to clinics at

If you live in a country where there is no access to safe and legal abortion you can either:

1- Go to www.womenonweb.org. Women on Web is an on-line medical abortion referral service that provides help for women living where access is restricted. For a donation of 70 euro you will receive a medical abortion (with Mifepriston and Misoprostol which is 99% effective to induce an abortion) at your home address.

2- In some countries Misoprostol is easy to get and might be a cheaper option than Women on Web. The use of Misoprostol alone is 80% effective. To induce an abortion follow the instructions www.womenonwaves.org/set-274-en.html

3- If you live close to a country where abortion is permitted, you might also decide you would rather travel. For travel information to abortion clinics in other countries please click on your country at www.womenonwaves.org/article-456-en.html?lang=en

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Warning, fake abortion pills for sale online!!

There are a lot of websites that pretend to be partners of Women on Waves