In the Netherlands
While the Netherlands is considered by many to be an extremely liberal country with legislative policies that reflect an open and accepting ideology, this is simply not the case. In reality, the fight for the legalization of safe and accessible abortion care has been present in this country's history since the early 1970s. In fact, abortion did not become legal in the Netherlands until 1984 when the Termination of Pregnancy Act (WAZ) became official.
Vrouwenrechtenorganisaties: maak abortuspil beschikbaar bij dokter
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Publicatie Medisch Contact, november 2012
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Publications dutch parliament
Here you can find all the documents concerning the questions that have been…
Staatssecretaris Bussemaker en Minister Hirsch Ballin lichten Tweede Kamerleden verkeerd voor
Staatssecretaris Bussemaker heeft recent mede namens Minister Hirsch Ballin…
Minister van VWS geeft onjuiste informatie over veiligheid gebruik abortuspil
Persbericht 25-9-2011 Minister van VWS doet onjuiste uitspraak over veiligheid…
Staatssercetaris Bussemaker licht kamer verkeerd voor!
Staatssecretaris Bussemaker en Minister Hirsch Ballin lichten Tweede Kamerleden…
Abortion Pill Protest in Seoul, South Korea 2018
For immediate release:
26-8-2018: Today 125 women swallowed the abortion pill in…
Abortion Robot in Belfast, Northern Ireland 2018
Operated from Amsterdam, the abortion robot successfully delivered abortion…