
Updated: 2022-12-13 Yasal | Abortion Pills | Local Organizations | Community Comments | Scam List

Organizations and Resources

  • Women on Web
    Abortion pill access by mail
  • HACEP-Ghana
    SRHR Information, Education and Services
    Help girls and young people SRHR to enable them grow personally and professionally through education, community and experiences.
  • Women First Digital
    WFD works globally to reduce the rate of unsafe abortions and broaden contraceptive awareness. Social enterprise that offers comprehensive, practical, inclusive and personalized sexual and reproductive health information and services. WFD has the technological capacity to deliver data-driven and innovative solutions to promote user-centered decision making and improve the well-being of women and youth worldwide.

Community Comments

  1. "There are so many unapproved Combipacks in Ghana sold in pharmacies and over-the-counter medicine stores. Currently there is no national delivery plan and its in the black market. We conducted a short study in 2021 among girls and women who have used any of the fake combi-packs and found out that 85% of the total number of 250 respondents had severe bleeding leading to critical complication of incomplete abortion that needed emergency hospital care in the end to wash the womb through surgical interventions. The results are even worse in the Northern regions of Ghana where literacy levels are low and relevant information about abortion is lacking." - Abass Hamza (Ph.D), HACEP-Ghana-Tamale, November 2022


Watch out for fake abortion clinics and sellers online. See or contribute to our list of scams & stay safe!

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This collection of data is an ongoing and collaborative project that relies on your contributions and corrections to thrive. Did you have an abortion? Did you get scammed looking for abortion pills? Do you know a friendly feminist organization which can help? Are you an abortion activist, doctor or part of an organization? Please share and fill out our questionnaire or contact us here.

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