What is Methotrexate?

Methotrexate can be used to induce an abortion in combination with Misoprostol till 7 weeks (after 3 to 7 days you should take 4 tablets of 200 mcg Misoprostol under the tongue). However, Mifepriston (the abortion pill) is more effective, less toxic and has much less side effects than Methotrexate. If a woman has a choice she should always use Mifepriston. Mifepriston is not available in every country (to obtain Mifepriston please go to Women on Web. Methrotrexate is available in the pharmacies of most countries.

Other indications:

Methotrexate is a medicine used to treat certain types of cancer or to control severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate has been shown to be effective in treating patients with ectopic pregnancy.

Brand names:

Rheumatrex, Trexall

Use to induce an abortion:

An abortion with the combined use of Methotrexate and Misoprostol is more effective than the use of Misoprostol alone. Methotrexate can be administered as an injection in your muscle or orally.

If you can find a doctor to do an injection of methotrexate, you should get 50 mg/m2 of methotrexate intramuscularly followed by 800 micro gm of  misoprostol under the tongue 3-7 days after the methotrexate.

You can also use the metrotrexate orally (75 mg). Most Methotrextate tablets contain 5 or 10 mg that means you will have to swallow quite a lot of tablets. You can also just drink the fluid in the vials that use used for the injections.
3 to 7 days after using methotrexate you have to take Misoprostol 800 micro gm under the tongue for half an hour.

Contraindications and side effects:

Because methotrexate can cause serious liver disease, patients with alcoholism or liver disease should not use it. Do not use alcohol while taking methotrexate!!
Methotrexate can suppress the body's immunity. Therefore, any symptoms of infection should be reported to the doctor. Patients with underlying immune deficiency diseases should not receive methotrexate. A dry, non-productive cough can be a result of a rare lung toxicity.
Methotrexate can be well tolerated, but also can cause severe toxicity which is usually related to the dose taken. The most frequent reactions include mouth sores, stomach upset, and low white blood counts. Methotrexate can cause severe toxicity of the liver and bone marrow, which require regular monitoring with blood testing. It can cause headache and drowsiness, itching, skin rash, dizziness, and hair loss.

Methotrexate is toxic to the embryo and can cause fetal defects in case of an ongoing pregnancy.


One 2 ml vial of 25 mg/ml Methotrexate costs around 40 USD
100 tablets of 2,5 mg Methotrexate costs around 50 USD

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How can I get Misoprostol?

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I cannot get Misoprostol. Could you please send them to me?

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How many weeks into your pregnancy can you do a medical abortion?

You can do a medical abortion at home until the 12th week of your pregnancy.

I've been pregnant for more than 12 weeks. Can I still use Misoprostol?

Misoprostol still works after 12 weeks of pregnancy. However 4% to 8% of women…

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When you should not do a medical abortion?

You should not use the medicines if:

มีข้อห้ามใช้อะไรบ้าง และคุณจะรู้ได้อย่างไรว่าคุณห้ามใช้ยานี้ ?

ข้อห้ามใช้คือเงื่อนไข หรือสถานการณ์ที่อาจจะทำให้คุณไม่สามารถใช้ไมเฟพริสโตน

การตั้งครรภ์นอกมดลูกคืออะไร และคุณจะรู้ได้อย่างไรว่าคุณตั้งครรภ์นอกมดลูก ?


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ขอแนะนำให้คุณอยู่กับคนที่คุณไว้ใจในขณะที่คุณใช้ยา อย่างไรก็ตาม…

ทำไมคุณจึงควรอยู่ใกล้โรงพยาบาลหรือสถานพยาบาลขั้นต้นในระยะที่สามารถเดินทางไปถึงภายใน 1 ชม. เมื่อทำแท้ง?

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Per ridurre dolore possono essere usati gli antidolorifici (omeopatici) insieme al Misoprostolo?

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Can (homeopathic) medication that decreases menstrual pain be used with Misoprostol?

Because some of these medications might counter the contractions of the womb…

How should you use Misoprostol (cytotec)?

You will need 12 pills of misoprostol, 200 micrograms (mcg) each.

Posso assumere una parte di Misoprostolo per via orale e una parte per via vaginale? Sarà efficace?

La donna dovrebbe scegliere se usare le pillole per via vaginale oppure sotto…

Can you use Misoprostol if you are still breastfeeding?

It is better not to breastfeed during the first 5 hours after taking…

จะปลอดภัยไหมที่จะทำแท้งด้วยยาอีก หลังจากที่เคยใช้แล้วครั้งหนึ่งในอดีต ?

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Can I take part of the Misoprostol/Cytotec orally and part vaginally. Is this effective?

We strongly advice women to use Misoprostol under the tongue (dissolve under…

คุณสามารถกินหรือดื่มได้ในระหว่างกินยาหรือไม่ ?


When will you start bleeding and how long will it last?

After using Misoprostol you should expect bleeding and cramps. Bleeding usually…

Can you go to work while doing the abortion? For how long must you rest before returning to work?

It is best to take Misoprostol on the weekends or when you can rest for a bit.

I took the first dose of Misoprostol and started bleeding. Should I take the next doses?

Yes, you must take the next doses, despite the blood loss. Scientific research…

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Can you see the products of the abortion (placenta, embryo, blood) and what should you do with them?

Most of the time women can see blood and tissue in their sanitary napkin or in…

What are the side effects of Misoprostol?

The medical abortion normally causes side effects such as pain and cramping, as…

I've used Misoprostol a few days ago and I'm still in a lot of pain. Is this normal?

If the treatment was successful, you should no longer have any pain, just blood…

I've used Misoprostol but the pregnancy test is still positive. What should I do?

Sometimes, pregnancy test are still positive 3 or 4 weeks after the abortion

การทำแท้งที่สำเร็จและสมบูรณ์เป็นอย่างไร และจะรู้ได้อย่างไร ?

การทำแท้งที่สมบูรณ์หมายถึงการที่ร่างกายได้ขับส่วนต่างๆของครรภ์ (เลือด

คุณจะรู้ได้อย่างไรว่าคุณเกิดอาการแทรกซ้อนและควรจะทำอย่างไร ?

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How do you know if you have a post-abortion infection?

Infections following medical abortions are very rare. If you feel weakness

How do you know if you have an incomplete abortion?

An incomplete abortion is an abortion that has only been partially successful.

What is a curettage/vacuum aspiration and is it necessary after medical abortion?

Vacuum aspiration (MVA)is a surgical intervention to remove the contents of the…

Esistono gli esami di sangue capaci di rivelare la presenza di Misoprostolo?

Si, il medicinale potrebbe essere rilevato, ma SOLO se il medico cercasse…

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มีโอกาสมากแค่ไหนที่ตัวอ่อนจะเติบโตอย่างผิดปกติถ้าคุณยังท้องต่อ ?


จำเป็นต้องทำอุลตร้าซาวด์หลังจากทำแท้งด้วยยามั้ย ?

ถ้าคุณไม่ได้มีอาการแทรกซ้อนอะไร ก็ไม่จำเป็นต้องอุลตร้าซาวด์หลังจากทำแท้งด้วยยา…

คุณจำเป็นต้องได้รับการปรึกษาด้านจิตวิทยาหลังจากทำแท้งแล้วหรือไม่ ?


I used Misoprostol, there was some blood loss but not that much, has the abortion been successful?

It is very difficult to determine whether an abortion has been successful and…

I used Misoprostol; bleeding is like during menstruation. Should I go to the hospital?

You do not have to go to a hospital, but you should get an ultrasound or do a…

Can you get pregnant again immediately after using Misoprostol?

Yes. You must immediately start taking precautions. For contraceptive methods…

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ไม่ การทำแท้งด้วยยาไม่ทำให้เกิดโอกาสในการพัฒนามะเร็งเต้านมเพิ่มขึ้น

Quanto dovrei aspettare prima di avere di nuovo rapporti sessuali dopo l'aborto?

Potrai riprendere la tua vita sessuale appena ti sentirai pronta. Ricorda però…

Is a medical abortion dangerous?

Medical abortions performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy have a very low…

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การทำแท้งด้วยยาไม่มีผลต่อความสามารถในการมีลูกอีกในอนาคต ความจริง…



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ประมาณร้อยละ 85…

Where can I buy the abortion pill (RU 486, mifepristone, mifeprex, mifegyne, Zacafemyl)?

RU 486 (the abortion pill, Mifepristone, Mifegyne, Mifeprex, Zacafemyl)) is…

Posso usare il Misoprostolo se ho la clamidia?

Un'infezione da clamidia è una della cause principali di infertilità e deve…

I've tried Misoprostol but had no or very little blood loss. Did the treatment work?

If you still do not bleed and you are positive that you were pregnant, then you…