Abortion with medication clinic in Amsterdam
From January 1, 2025 family doctors in the Netherlands can prescribe the abortion pill until 9 weeks of pregnancy. Please contact your family doctor (general physician) to receive a prescription. If you do not have a family doctor, you can try to make an appointment with a GP practice in your area. Everyone in the Netherlands, including people without documents/insurance, are legally entitled to healthcare from family doctors.
Please let us know if you cannot find a family doctor to help you.
Women on Waves can provide abortion with pills up to 9 weeks of pregnancy (we do not provide surgical abortions!). We can also perform ultrasound examinations.
We are licensed by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport to provide this service.
Please click here if you need an abortion with pills
If you are registered in The Netherlands, have a BSN number and health insurance, costs for abortion treatments are covered by the government.
If you do not have a BSN number, you can make a donation, if you are able to. If you are not able to donate, Women on Waves can still help you. You can donate here. Donations help us to cover services for uninsured people.
How does it work?
If your pregnancy is shorter than 9 weeks (counted since the first day of the last menstruation), two types of abortion are possible: medical abortion (abortion with pills) or instrumental/surgical abortion. At Women on Waves we only offer abortion with pills. If you would prefer a surgical abortion, please click here to find a clinic that offers this service.
Not sure if you want an abortion? Here you can find more information about your options and making a decision. If you prefer to talk to someone, we can refer you to Fiom or you can call 0800 6160.
Please bring the following to the appointment:
- Identity document (passport, ID card or driver's licence)
- Insurance card or, if you not insured, an extract of the basic registration of persons or a pay slip
Don't worry if you don't have any of these, we will always help you.
During the appointment, we will check the duration of your pregnancy with an abdominal ultrasound examination.
What is a medical abortion?
A medical abortion is a termination of pregnancy caused by medicines. These medicines, mifepristone and misoprostol, cause the expulsion of the pregnancy from the uterus.
Mifepristone blocks the hormone progesterone, which is required to sustain a pregnancy. Without this hormone, the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall is disrupted, and the uterus contracts. Misoprostol enhances contractions and helps to expel the products of conception from the uterus.
If there are no contraindications, our doctor will provide you with mifepristone and misoprostol during your appointment.
How do you use the medicines to do an abortion?
- First, you should swallow one tablet of mifepristone (200 mg).
- 24 hours later, put 4 tablets of misoprostol (200 mcg each) under your tongue and keep them there for 30 minutes, until the tablets are dissolved. You can swallow your saliva. After 30 minutes, you can swallow any remains of the tablets
If you received more misoprostol tablets at the clinic: 3 hours later, take another 2 misoprostol pills (total 400mcg). You can repeat this if you do not start bleeding after 3 hours.
If youl have some misoprostol pills left over after following these instructions. Do NOT throw them away. Keep them in case you have a problem later and are advised to take them.
If you prefer to use the misoprostol vaginally, wash your hands and put all 4 tablets as high as possible into the vagina, just like a tampon. It is easiest to do this while lying on bed. When used under your tongue, you may experience more stomach cramps than when you insert the tablets into your vagina.
The medicines cause your uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy through the vagina. You should expect bleeding and cramps. Nausea, diarrhea, and a slight increase in temperature are normal side effects of the medicines. Therefore, make sure you have someone with you who can support you or call for medical help if needed.
Blood loss
Mifepristone alone usually does not cause any side effects before taking misoprostol, although some women may experience light bleeding or nausea.
After using misoprostol, you should expect bleeding and cramps. Bleeding usually starts within four hours of taking the pills, but it sometimes starts later. For some people, the bleeding and cramping and other side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, and hot flashes or fever may occur shortly after taking misoprostol.
Bleeding is often the first sign that the abortion has begun. If the abortion continues, bleeding and cramps become more severe. Bleeding is often heavier than a normal menstruation, and it is normal to have clots. The longer the pregnancy has developed, the heavier the cramps and the bleeding will be. If the abortion is complete, the bleeding and the cramps diminish. The moment of abortion can be noticed with a peak of heavier blood loss and more pain and cramps.
You will continue to bleed lightly from one to three weeks after the abortion, but times may vary. Your normal menstrual period usually returns after four to six weeks.
The heaviest bleeding typically occurs 2-5 hours after using misoprostol and usually slows down within 24 hours. The most intense cramping and bleeding generally lasts for 3-5 hours, but these times may vary. Some women bleed heavily for up to 48 hours and may pass clots days or even weeks after taking misoprostol. This is common and not dangerous, unless you soak through more than two maxi pads per hour for 2 hours or more, or when you pass clots bigger than an orange. It is normal for your body to take time to empty the uterus completely. Every individual body is different.
After you have used the 4 misoprostol tablets, you will usually have abdominal cramps similar heavy menstruation. The pain differs from person to person. Some women have severe cramps similar to contractions, others feel much less pain. Therefore always use painkillers. Start with this if you are using the Misoprostol. Preferably take Ibuprofen, Naproxen of Diclofenac. Look in the package leaflet for the maximum dose. Paracetamol is often less effective, but can be combined with other medicines. A hot water bottle or a cold pack against the stomach or lower back often also helps.
How to check if the abortion is complete?
Bleeding and pain don't always mean the pregnancy has ended. It is important to do a urine pregnancy test 3 weeks after you take the medicines. This way you can be sure that the abortion has been successful. If you do the urine pregnancy test before waiting for 3 weeks, the result may show up as false positive, as there are still pregnancy hormones in your body. In 1 in 100 women, the pregnancy continues. You can only discover this by taking a pregnancy test. If the test is still positive, you can come for an ultrasound examination. It is also possible to visit us for an ultrasound to see if the abortion is complete and the uterus is empty.
In the case of an ongoing pregnancy, we recommend that you terminate it because the medicines used give a small chance of birth defects. If you are less than 9 weeks pregnant, you can try the abortion with pills again. If you are pregnant longer than 9 weeks, only a surgical abortion is possible. Women on Waves is not able to provide this service and will refer you to a hospital or abortion clinic.
What to expect after the abortion?
After an abortion, it is normal for feelings of relief and sadness to alternate. Pregnancy symptoms such as swelling of the breasts may take time to ease. Complaints such as nausea and vomiting usually disappear quickly. Long-term health risks do not exist.
How and when can you start contraception?
Oral contraceptives can be started immediately. An intrauterine device (IUD)/coil can be inserted after it has been determined that the abortion has been successful. For more information about contraceptives, please look at the website of Sense.
What is the risk of complications and what should you do in that case?
The chance of a complication is very small. About 1-2% of women need treatment for excessive bleeding. This can be treated with an extra dose of misoprostol or with a suction curretage.
If you have experience any of the following complications, it is important to contact us:
- heavy bleeding - more than two hours more than two sanitary towels heavily soaked
- with persistent fever; more than 39˚C for more than 24 hours
- severe pain that does not go away after taking painkillers.
- if no bleeding occurs within four hours of taking misoprostol
Other issues
If you have a negative blood type and are more than 9 weeks pregnant, the doctor will discuss rhesus prophylaxis with you.
We will discuss the risk of a sexually transmitted diseases and contraception, if necessary. You can book an appointment for an STI test with the GGD through their website or with your huisarts/general practitioner.
If something happens that you are not satisfied with, do not hesitate to let us know. Preferably discuss a complaint with the relevant employee first. If you cannot find a solution together, or if you find it difficult to have this conversation, please contact the complaints officer.
The complaints officer is neutral, without judgment and works on the basis of confidentiality. The complaints officer can be reached via this email address: info@leyer.nu.
If you are still dissatisfied after the mediation, you can submit a complaint via the website of the KPZ Disputes Committee. The basis for handling complaints is the Healthcare Quality, Complaints and Disputes Act (Wkkgz).
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