Academic paper

Julia Ellis Kahana wrote her final thesis for the sociology department of Brown University in the USA about the ships campaign and its relationship to non-social movement of medical abortion in Morooco. And she received an award for this very interesting thesis!

Press Conference in Rabat, 8-10-2012

We are giving this press conference to explain our campaign, share with you…

مركب نساء على أمواج يبحر في ميناء سمير

ميرا: أبحرنا حول الميناء, رأينا العديد من رجال الشرطة يغمرهم التوتر و الغضب و…

Abortion ship forced to leave by Moroccan authories.

After the harbor of Smir was completely closed off by the Moroccan police

Member of Dutch Parliament Liesbeth van Tongeren comes to Morocco in support of the campaign

Liesbeth van Tongeren from the Green Left Party arrived in the early afternoon…

Video footage: distributing Safe Abortion Information in front of entrance Smir Harbor, Morocco

Video Footage from October 4th, 2012
After we learned that the Moroccan…

Moroccan Authorities Close Down Harbor of Smir.

Moroccan warships block entrance of Women on Waves ship in the harbor of Smir.

Bateau d’avortement arrivera à Smir, Maroc, jeudi le 4 octobre

MALI (Mouvement Alternatif pour les Libertés Individuelles) a invité l'…

"سفينة الإجهاض ستزور المغرب قريبا."

Press release
حركة مالي (الحركة البديلة للحريات الفردية) والمنظمة الهولندية…

ردود فعل السلطات المغربية اتجاه نساء حملة منظمة نساء علي الأمواج و حركة مالي…

Invitation à visiter le bateau de l’organisation "Women on Waves"

Cher défenseur des droits des femmes,

MALI et Les "Women on Waves" voudraient…