All Press Releases

This is an overview of all the press releases about our campaigns; the launch of new hotlines, ships campaigns, legal battles, and other events.

93 all press releases

Abortion hotline launch in Chile supported by Women on Waves

Press release:

El Tribunal Europeo (European Court) dictaminó que Portugal violaba la libertad de expresión de Women on Waves

El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos dictaminó hoy que el artículo 10, que…

Abortion ship arrives in Valencia.

The Catholic anti-abortion rights groups failed to fulfill their promise to…

Three women sailed to international waters

This morning three women embarked on the Women on Waves ship to sail to the…

Open ship day on sunday

Sunday, October 19 th, the Women on Waves ship will be open for public…

Free abortions for Spanish women on board Women on Waves ship.

At the invitation of more than 30 Spanish organizations, the Women on Waves…

Virgin launches hotline for safe abortion

Quito, Ecuador June 18, 2008 The Virgin de Panecillo revealed a banner with…

Aborto seguro con pildoras abortivas para las mujeres Ecuatorianas

Women on Waves disappointed about new license

Every year 20 million illegal abortions are preformed and 70 000 women die…

Polish parliament voted against proposed amendments in Polish Constitution.

Protection of dignity from the moment of conception will not be incorporated…

Portuguese parliament votes to legalize abortion!!

On March 9, 2007 Portugal's parliament approved the legalization of abortion…

“Si”, a la legalización del aborto en Portugal

El 10 de abril el presidente de Portugal ratificó una ley que permite a las…