What happened in Portugal...
Encuestas de opinión
Tal como estaba previsto el equipo holandés de Women on Waves viene de regreso…
Los médicos de la libertad
Los especialistas, médicos generales, enfermeras y parteras vienen de todas…
Talkshow Teachings: how to induce abortion
On Tuesday morning, Rebecca Gomperts was featured on the Portuguese talkshow…
Small, calm, quiet, hidden
At 1:00AM a Catholic church group gathered before the Figueira da Foz town hall…
Unexpected visitors and action by Dutch Minister
Pressured by the Dutch members of Parliament Bot contacted the Portuguese…
Manifestation in Lisbon
About 250 people protest against the decision of the Portuguese government to…
Politicians denied permission
The Portuguese Parliamentarians, Francisco Louçã from the Portuguese Left Block
Borndiep still in international waters
In an effort to help realize Women on Waves' goals, Juventude Socialista (JS…
Requesting permission to enter the harbor of Figueira da Foz
In the morning Women on Waves visits the harbormaster of Figueira da Foz and…