Politicians denied permission
The Portuguese Parliamentarians, Francisco Louçã from the Portuguese Left Block, Jamila Madeira, member of European Parliament and Odete Santos from the Communist Party attempt to sail the Borndiep into Portuguese waters, but are stopped by the surrounding military boats.
When Francisco radios in from the bridge of the Bernie, he states he is a Portuguese citizen and member of parliament, and that he wants to go to Figueira da Foz. It is his right as a citizen of Portugal and of the European Union.
The surrounding military ships deny permission to this request. When Francisco asks what will be the course of action if he proceeds anyway, the reply he gets is: We will execute three steps of action. First we will warn you by radio. Then we will alter your ships course. The third step is confidential and will not be disclosed at this time.
In the meantime, Jorge Sampaio, the Portuguese President asks the Portuguese government for clarification about the situation. As the head of the Military he should have been informed about the use of warships and he was not.
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