All Press Releases
This is an overview of all the press releases about our campaigns; the launch of new hotlines, ships campaigns, legal battles, and other events.
Abortion Roe-bots dispensed abortion pills in front of the Supreme Court.
Women on Waves, in collaboration Aid Access, a telemedical abortion service…
TIME 100: Rebecca Gomperts is among the 100 most influential people of 2020
For immediate release, September 23nd, 2020
Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, founder of…
Kort geding: Maak abortuspil toegankelijker ten tijde van COVID-19
PERSBERICHT 10 April, 2020:
Vandaag vindt het kort geding tegen het ministerie…
Rechter biedt geen soelaas voor vrouwen die nu op een abortus wachten en hun huis niet uit kunnen.
PERSBERICHT, Amsterdam 10 April 2020
Om 16:00 uur vandaag wees de rechtbank Den…
Verzoek aan minister om toegang tot abortuszorg in COVID-19 tijd te waarborgen via telemedicine
Persbericht 2-3-2020:
Instagram censor Abortion Rights Face-filter.
February 27, 2020:
Instagram did not approve the virtual face-filter version of…
Research shows obstacles to abortion access in the Netherlands
November 7 th, 2019
For immediate release: Research from the telemedical…
Aid Access Will Continue Providing Abortion Care
On March 8, 2019, I received a letter from the FDA ordering my new (since 2018…
Overtijdpil, Mifepriston is niet crimineel
Op 13 december komen Women on Waves, Bureau Clara Wichman en de Bovengrondse in…
New study of Women on Web data shows harm caused by restrictive abortion laws in Northern Ireland.
Amsterdam. October 19 th, 2018.
Research finds that the country’s strict…
International experts condemn attempt to further restrict abortion in Poland.
For immediate release 17-10-2018:
Warsaw, Poland - Women on Waves and the…
Międzynarodowe ekspertki potępiają zaostrzenie prawa aborcyjnego w Polsce
Komunikat prasowy. 17 października 2018:
Warszawa, Polska - Women on Waves i…