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The Borndiep is out of fuel and running low on drinking water. Once more the captain requests to enter the port, this time only to refuel. The harbor authorities do not even answer on the emergency channel.
When a boat is running low on fuel, maritime regulations state that all ships should be admitted into the closest harbor, even if this has to happen with extreme security measures.
The ship will have to sail to the Spanish Vayona to refuel and stock up on supplies. The morale on board is all right, even though they are disappointed by not being able to enter Portugal. The ship now has to do the same as the 10.000 Portuguese women every year who have to travel to Spain to get an abortion.
Bloco Isquierda, the Portuguese left wing party, supports Women on Wave's cause and has called an emergency parliamentary meeting to pressure the government into suspending the restriction. In Portugal, any residing party can call Parliament back from the summer break. Unfortunately they already know that there in no majority.
In Lisbon sympathizers of Women on Waves paste stickers in the whole city with “eu faz un aborto�? which mean " I did an abortion�?"
What happened in Portugal...
The ship and its crew leave for Portugal on august 23 on the invitation of the…
Rumours of prosecution
The Misoprostol webpage and the medicines Cytotec and Arthrotec are shown all…
Ensinamentos do talkshow: Como fazer um aborto
Na terça-feira de manhã, a dra Rebecca Gompert participou no debate denominado:…
A perca do caso em tribunal.
Ontem, pouco antes da meia-noite, no fim duma audiência que tinha começado às…
Small, calm, quiet, hidden
At 1:00AM a Catholic church group gathered before the Figueira da Foz town hall…
Ministro Português contacta Ministro Português
O Parlamento Holandês enviou uma carta ao Ministro dos Negócios Estranjeiros…
Manifestation in Lisbon
About 250 people protest against the decision of the Portuguese government to…
Governo nega permissão
Francisco Louça, do Bloco de Esquerda, tentou navegar o Borndiep rumo ao porto…
Borndiep still in international waters
In an effort to help realize Women on Waves' goals, Juventude Socialista (JS…
Requesting permission to enter the harbor of Figueira da Foz
In the morning Women on Waves visits the harbormaster of Figueira da Foz and…